My Family Genealogy


Welcome to my family tree pages. Because of the great increase in identity theft, including my own, I have removed my family database! Instead I will post a list of all surnames, with full names for non-living individuals, by family tree and through named descendant lists.
Please e-mail me if you have any questions or would like me to check and see if I have information on someone in my database.

Happy Hunting!!!

Family Tree & Descendant Name Lists

Family Tree Surname List

Bacon Descendant Names List | Beeler Descendant Names List | Bozeman Descendant Names List

Bryant Descendant Names List | Enox Descendant Names List

Garrett Descendant Names List | Lewis Descendant Names List | Moore Descendant Names List

Nash Descendant Names List | Nation Descendant Names List | Potter Descendant Names List

Prather Descendant Names List | Putman Descendant Names List

Robins Descendant Names List | Tarbutton Descendant Names List

Vickrey Descendant Names List | Wigington Descendant Names List

Wood / Atwood / A Woode / Atte Wode Descendant Names List

Scottish Royalty (Robert the Bruce, James I-IV) Descendant Report

Also, check out The Brick Wall and my Notable Kin - Six Degrees of Separation web pages.

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